So there are these narco-banners being hung up all around the metropolitan areas of San Pedro, Monterrey, Escobedo and San Nicolas. If you don’t read Spanish, here’s a rough translation:
Mr. Felipe Calderon [that's our president]:
With all the respect you deserve, stop helping us. Poison is fought with poison itself.
Attention: The alliance of Mexican cartels united against the “Z” [Zetas] will continue after you RETIRE THE ARMY [pull troops off the street].
I gotta tell you, it doesn’t get any more official than this: a nasty drug cartel war is about to erupt, and they are telling the feds to stay out of it.
Meanwhile, here in Monterrey they are talking about martial law at night. The levantones (kidnappings) and SUV thefts keep increasing… If that happens, I won’t complain because it is the lesser of two evils, at least the feds don’t prey on the civilian population like the god-less zetones.
I’ll be updating with details and information as I get it. For now, read my last piece about the Zetas: Mexican Drug Cartels Raid Massive Rave Parties, Crack Down On Rival Pushers…